Will it be Made for TV or Big Screen? Michael, The Movie.
The last one was 1992, which was before the first time he was accused of molesting children, but after he began to whiten. There are so many more things that we need to know, and the rumor mill is stating
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Let the New Movies Begin
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Good News, Governor Sanford
You're NOT the biggest news of the week. Who would have thought?
So, get this, the governor of a mid-size state goes missing. The Lt. Governor wasn't notified, his wife is clueless, and aides claim he went off hiking in the Appalachians. About six days later, he shows up at the airport, blabbering about a love affair with a woman in Argentina. Amanda writes a great post about the meanings of passion and conservatism and BOOM
Michael Jackson effing dies
Can anyone say Gary Conditt?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Never Studied
A friend on Facebook posted a cool photo of a storm in Iowa. The people that saw the clouds in this storm think that there should be a new cloud classification based on these clouds. But not everyone agrees and the article mentioned that meteorologists would classify these clouds as an existing type of cumulous clouds. It sounded like an interesting debate until I got here:
But Pretor-Pinney, who never studied meteorology, believes the clouds merit their own cumulus sub-classification.
This person is not an amateur meteorologist, one who might have read a bunch of books but never got a formal degree, no, Pretor-Pinney "never studied meteorology".