Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fight Oppression by Pants

From a Michigan friend

You can de-pant if you want to.
You can leave your trowsas behind.
Because if you wear pants, and if you use pants, then you're no friend of mine.
Hey depant.
Hey depant.
Everyone loosen their pants.

It seems she has also learned the excitement of skirts :D

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Like 1993 All Over Again

In grad school, I processed a collection around the passage of the Federal Direct Loan Program and learned that I never, ever should have cursed my FAFSA. The system in place before the FDLP was similar to the situation most students now have with private lenders but far, far worse. The government backed the loans in this case and the private companies involved learned that they made more money when students defaulted on the loans. With that information, they began a practice of not sending the loan statements so that students never knew that the needed to begin repayment. In the first Bush administration, most members of congress were in support of changing this system. Enter William Jefferson Clinton and suddenly, congresspeople that once liked the idea of Direct Loans found them to be a terrible idea. Interestingly, all of these individuals happened to be members of the Republican Party.

I don't seem to recall Democrats just flip flopping on issues like this (and with so much evidence about their change in stance) when Bush came in to office. It was more that Bush was doing so many things that Democrats plain didn't like. Oh, sure, Obama is going to do a lot of things that Republicans don't like either, but they're also dragging their feet on issues that they loved in mid-2008. Rachel Maddow played a clip of one such Republican Senator on the "Keep F*cking Things Up" Tour. He indicated that Republicans didn't think that giving money to make broadband and other internet connections available to people was a good use of money. This was why they didn't like the stimulus package as Obama and the Democrats presented it. Interestingly, this same Senator - I forget his name, John or something - actually promoted the same idea he now hates when he was on the campaign trail this year. I guess it was for re-election or something - no, wait, that's right, he was on the Joke Ticket, I remember now. Yeah, Candidate John McCain loved broadband for the people, but suddenly, now that the American people resoundingly rejected his ideas and his party, Senator John McCain hates the proposal.

Welcome to 1993, folks. To bad for Republicans that most of America is far more informed and we have recordings of your flip flops. And to Americans, never forget that this economic crisis is the result of deregulation and the destruction of the New Deal Era policies. We've been through this before, and that it isn't exactly the same is meaningless. If you disagree, well, you probably also weren't in on the joke from this last election cycle. Hope you enjoy your Obama tax cuts.

We're back to doing our best

Also, it was kind of stupid for no Republicans to vote for the stimulus in the House. You know that now the Democrats know that it doesn't matter how much they cater to them, they'll still be stubborn babies. I hope they like being shut out and ignored cuz they've shown that listening and even giving in to their idiotic ideas is pointless.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In Light of Detroit's Bailout

I present to you Design for Dreaming, a promotional movie by GM about its vision for "the future".

Oh, I forgot to mention that this is from the MST3k episode 524, 12 to the Moon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Spiders in the Rain

I have always disliked spiders, but as I age, the fear gets dimmer. When I was 14, there was a huge spider in my bedroom which I ran from and made my parents kill. I wasn't able to sleep in my room for days. Some time passed and I told my first therapist about my fear. A few months after that, I saw a garden spider on my ceiling, which was about 4 or 5 feet from the bed I was lying on at the time. I grabbed a shoe, killed the thing, and went back to bed.

When I first moved to San Ramon, I noticed that massive webs with "big ol'" spiders seemed to be pretty normal. As long as there is enough distance or a window between me and the spider, I love staring at them in the atriums of the buildings at work. In my old apartment, there was a time when I killed a massive spider at least once a week, but this apartment doesn't have as many. Earlier this month, I saw a smaller, but still pretty large spider crawling on my bed while I was getting ready for work. It was too big to smush with my hands, so I grabbed a TV remote and managed to smack it. Call me the Spider Killer, I guess, but its only when they come into my dwelling.

This spider was on a light pole outside my place last week. That was when I decided that I want to document my 8-legged finds. I hope you'll enjoy the series. My morbid fascination with spiders definitely aids in overcoming the somewhat irrational fear.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

No He Wasn't. He Just Gave All of Our Money to His Rich Buddies

That's what my dad told me when my 8 to 10 year old self thought about the Reagan administration, didn't remember any major wars, and decided to declare that Reagan was a "pretty good president". This was information that I did not know, so I said "oh" and moved on with my day. I didn't care that much back then anyway - I don't even remember exactly how old I was, I just remember my dad balking at my statement. But the early 90's saw the introduction of right-wing radio in Central Wisconsin, and just 4 years later, he was voting Republican.

I'm listening to NPR tonight with Terri Gross interviewing a guy talking about war robotics. She mentioned the massive outsourcing of military activities during the Bush Administration and wondered if we can go back, which got me thinking. The no-bid, bloated contracts for mercenaries didn't seem to save the Pentagon any money. So, was Bush the kind of president that history will judge kindly? See post title.

Now if only I can get my father to realize the depths of the crap he's been hearing for the last 16 years.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

But Only When the Person isn't an Adult Woman!

Choads in the Senate, sad that they are on the wrong side of history, voted against Clinton's nomination to be Secretary of State. There were only two of them and one was David Vitter. Wasn't he the diapers guy? Not that it is fair to make fun of someone for their kinks (though I've got my own feelings about those), it is more the hypocricy that matters. The other choad decided to vote his misogynist conscience:

In addition to concerns surrounding the foundation, [South Carolina Republican Jim] DeMint said he opposes Clinton's positions on such matters as providing aid to foreign groups that offer abortions.

"I do not plan to slow up this nomination, but I do find it difficult to support a nominee who I know will pursue policies so contrary to American sovereignty and the dignity of the human person," he said.

Dignity of the human person? What about the human person who knows she will die if the fetus inside her is not removed? What about the human person that was violently raped as an act of war at the age of 12 and finds herself orphaned and pregnant in a refugee camp in the DRC? Oh, I forgot, women aren't people, and since that fetus MIGHT be male, well, we musn't allow that woman to live a productive life in that case. Duh.

Do women in South Carolina understand that their senator thinks their lives are trivial things and that fetuses matter more?

Friday, January 16, 2009

50 Most Fascinating People of 2008

One of which is none other than my incredibly bratty cousin, the youngest duaghter of a brother of my dad's that had kids. If you know my last name, you'll see her on the list. She's grown up now and was always pretty cool, but she was two years younger than me, a year older than my little sister, and the three of us had something like a sibling relationship when we would play together at The Farm.

She is a Campaign Director with the Traveling Press

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Al Qaeda Birds

So a plane had to land in the Hudson River today, all 155 people on board were fine, but they probably lost all their stuff.* I hope the business travelers didn't have any unique company records with them!

"There were eyewitness reports the plane may have flown into a flock of birds," said Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown. "Right now we don't have any indication this was anything other than an accident." - Yahoo News

Yeah right. I bet in a few days, we'll learn that these birds are part of some secret islamo-facist terrorism network.

*I come from a family with hoarding tendencies, I worry about this kind of thing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Lose More Weight, Have More Sex, Be More Awesome

That is my New Year's Resolution, to be executed with the following plans.

Lose More Weight

  • Maintain healthy eating habits like eating a balanced breakfast, making sure I get protien with every meal, avoid that HFCS, eat more fruits and vegetables, and don't binge
  • Begin working out again
  • Go climbing more often
  • Construct a better outdoor activity wardrobe and make more hiking dates
Have More Sex
  • Maintain the current plan to increase confidence and don't back down from the predator mode
  • Take any and all lessons from the Ghetto Boy
  • Make sure I don't lose contact with the Ghetto Boy
  • Wait and see if The Hottie wasn't just being a tease
  • Tend to the rest of my harem appropriately
  • Try another angle for CL ads
  • See other parts of the plan
Be More Awesome
  • Perfect my footless highway driving
  • Create a Britney Pool
  • Follow up with all of the projects projected for '09
  • Push bosses to create a ticketing systems to charge for small consulting projects
  • Follow through on documentary idea (meeting with a friend already scheduled)
  • Improve concentration at work