Thursday, September 9, 2010


A Westboro Baptist Church wannabe out in Florida wants to make a stink. Why not hold a cook-out and use some old books as kindling? Distasteful, indeed, but we are assured that the books are copies of other books, and contain no new information.

But once word gets out to a medieval society torn by war, warped by patriarchal traditions and often deadly misogyny that someone, somewhere, is burning a ream of bound paper that contains a copy of information they have readily available to them... Once that word gets out, the backwards society decides to flip the fuck out.

I don't like the idea of kowtowing to the kind of person that would relegate me to shrouded breeding stock had I been born in their country and not mine. Violent reactions to peaceful demonstrations, even if carried out by brain-dead morons, demonstrate significant insecurity.