Thursday, December 31, 2009

At the Expense of Others

The movie Leap Year asks if women should propose marriage. That begs the question of if women should be making decisions at all. Really, should women be leaving their homes or even spending money?

The only people that think this way are narrow minded idiots that think "tradition" is a valid reason to continue bad policy. Unfortunately, these people also happen to be the majority of the population. So, sorry gals, looks like you're not in charge of your own lives.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Some People are Not Stupid

Like Ed, from Gin and I love this blog. I have formally decided that Ed is now my future second husband (for the record, my future first husband is Kai Ryssdahl and I plan to have the babies of Morrissey and Amanda Marcotte. I also wanted to have the babies of my friend Nancy, but I think now I prefer want to gay-marry her to show my affection and admiration)

Ed recently received his PhD in Political Science. He teaches college at a big school in GA. Read and love.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

In the Meantime

I have a couple more Stupid People posts coming up, but in the meantime, allow me to link an article by Barbara Ehrenreich: The Pink Ribbon Cancer Cult

Unrelated, but "Her presence underscores the impact and importance of bowling." I'm not sure if that line can be any funnier.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear America,

Pull up your pants.
