Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Foods

I am a super taster. What that means is that I have an overabundance of taste buds that make lots of stuff taste bad to me. I also am one of those people that can taste bitter. I learned this in the 7th grade with a rather memorable lab and a piece of paper on the back of my tongue. I've heard that those people typically do not like vegetables. As a vegetarian and a person aiming to have a more healthy diet, this is a significant frustration. For instance, cooked carrots have been known to make me gag, and I only begrudgingly eat broccoli. Hence am I teaching myself to enjoy new foods.

I grew up a very picky eater, it was a long time before I could enjoy cuts of meat like steak. I think I had scarcely learned to eat pork chops before I went vegetarian. Mexican and Chinese food were also among my dislikes at an early age. I have just now learned to enjoy mashed and baked potatoes and am trying to learn olives. So far, I have realized that they are very "intense", but I do enjoy certain green olives with the pits. I still do not like apples (but only in their raw form), mushrooms (in any form), and yogurt. Those dislikes all seem to be texture based, since I like applesauce, will eat things made with cream of mushroom soup, and can't say I dislike the flavors of yogurt. Someday, I hope that my taste will change to the point where I can enjoy carrots and broccoli too.

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