Friday, April 11, 2008

Ever Notice?

So often, it happens in my life that I set out to do something, then something else comes up, and I forget my original intention. This blog post is a great example.

Other times, I realize that I have a question about my day and want to blog about them, but in the process of blogging, I remember the answer. The answer somehow ruins the post so I discard it entirely. Other times, I save the post as a draft for a while. I have at least 10 drafts saved up here, just waiting for refinement before publishing.

But now, I remembered my thought. Why is the 'o' (oh) key so close to the '0' (zero) key? Couldn't they have put the zero over by the one? I'm not yet a touch typist, and there are many times I need to type something like "Fill out the GO-#### paper and get it back to me". But even when I typed that example, I wrote "G)-####". Sure, I could learn how to type better, but it doesn't cover up the design flaw.

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