Monday, May 5, 2008

The Moth

It might as well have been Mothra. Sunday night around 10pm, I saw a big ol’ moth on the wall, near the ceiling, above my bed. It had to go – I wasn’t about to sleep with a moth that big just sitting there – but it was huge. Smacking it with the fly swatter would kill it, but it would also produce a giant moth corpse that would fall to my bed. This was also not acceptable. So I slept on my couch Sunday night, but not before opening my bedroom window shade to let in the most amount of light so the moth would move.

I realized that moths, big moths, are more like small animals than bugs. A bug can be smashed, wiped up in a tissue, but a moth will leave a corpse. It is like having a tiny bird in my room – I can’t kill it, yet I am too afraid of it to get that close to it. Around 5am, I saw that it had moved to the vent above the door into my bedroom. At that point, I could swat it with the fly swatter. It did fall, but on the ground, and I scooped it up with the swatter and put it in the garbage. I don't like big bugs, and though I did grow up out in the country, they were thankfully a rarity back home.

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