Monday, June 9, 2008

Ha Ha HA!

I woke up on Thursday with a mild headache and the feeling of being a little "out of it". I figured that it was because of one of three possibilities - I had forgotten my medication the day before, I had taken an Ativan to get to sleep the night before, and it was entirely possible that the salmon I had for dinner had turned. But then, on Friday night, the reason became very clear - it had been PMS. So I do get PMS, but it seems to be different every time. Sometimes, I feel unreasonably crabby, sometimes, I get a headache, and other times, there are no discernible symptoms whatsoever.

Of course, it wasn't like I wasn't expecting this around this time. You see, I noticed last month that my body was starting to reset itself to mess with my Alaska vacation, which was originally intended for the 4th of July weekend. Previously, my body reset itself to mess up my Spain vacation too. But I foiled my body this time! I'm going to Alaska for the weekend of the 21st, and there is no way I can go through an entire cycle in just two weeks. Ha ha HA - I win the battle this time!


rakhi. said...

How does your body reset itself in preparation for a vacation? I'm so confused.

Urs said...

You know, I know this post is TMI for many readers, but, well, too bad? Mensutration is normal for a lot of people.

I'm sending Rock the fun details, but essentially, it is very rare for me to have a [natural, non bc controlled] cycle that repeats itself predictably more than about three times.