Monday, October 20, 2008

Deep Down, They Must Know

They have to know, right? They say "Don't believe the HYPE" before promoting their joke ticket. They have to see the writing on the wall. Don't they remember why they didn't like him 8 years ago? Don't they see what that the train they're riding doesn't have brakes and the bridge ahead is out?

How do they wake up every morning, brush their teeth, put on their clothes, drive to work, eat their lunch, make their decisions, come home to their kids, turn on the TV and still think that Obama is Arab and that this is a bad thing? Why do we have to hear the counterpoint to Colin Powell's words? Why can't we appreciate their weight and see the emptiness of an endorsement by Kissinger (he is still alive?) or the fact that no, most Americans (i.e. 97%, according to a friend) will never make more than $250,000 a year, no matter how long they live, and taxing the rest of us more so they can keep their money isn't worth it?

They have to know this stuff, right?

Please, America, please, Diebold, please, don't let me down.

1 comment:

Sig. said...

I am just ready to be done with all of it. November 4th can't come soon enough.