Choads in the Senate, sad that they are on the wrong side of history, voted against Clinton's nomination to be Secretary of State. There were only two of them and one was David Vitter. Wasn't he the diapers guy? Not that it is fair to make fun of someone for their kinks (though I've got my own feelings about those), it is more the hypocricy that matters. The other choad decided to vote his misogynist conscience:
In addition to concerns surrounding the foundation, [South Carolina Republican Jim] DeMint said he opposes Clinton's positions on such matters as providing aid to foreign groups that offer abortions.
"I do not plan to slow up this nomination, but I do find it difficult to support a nominee who I know will pursue policies so contrary to American sovereignty and the dignity of the human person," he said.
Dignity of the human person? What about the human person who knows she will die if the fetus inside her is not removed? What about the human person that was violently raped as an act of war at the age of 12 and finds herself orphaned and pregnant in a refugee camp in the DRC? Oh, I forgot, women aren't people, and since that fetus MIGHT be male, well, we musn't allow that woman to live a productive life in that case. Duh.
Do women in South Carolina understand that their senator thinks their lives are trivial things and that fetuses matter more?
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