Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stupid Stupid

In a document released yesterday, committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, and Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, the panel’s top Republican, said taxing health benefits would address so-called “Cadillac plans” they said promote overuse of health-care services and boost the cost of care.


Most people do not go to the doctor for fun. This jackass probably thinks that normal insurance is just like congress insurance. I have good insurance, but I still have to pay a little fee any time I want some medical help, and the company that handles my p[rescripotions can still trump anything my doctor says and just refuse to cover the necessary medications. I tagged this post with politics, but health care should not be a political issue. I do want my tax dollars to pay for it, for me and for everyone, but government is not the same as politics.

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