Sunday, January 24, 2010


One of the member's of SANE has amateur expertise regarding the medical sciences due to his having spent roughly half his life (IIRC) in hospitals and researching this stuff. He's only 20. He said that his identification with atheism comes more out of his focus on dismantling bogus medical practices. So yes, he does not "believe in god", but that seems to be a by-product of this skepticism.

My identification is similarly different from the common definition of atheism. Unlike this member, my identification involves the myth of the afterlife, which is another vestige of religion. But that is the subject for a longer post.

PZ Meyers, who spoke at UC Berkeley on Friday, posted a poll on a homeopathy site and the Pharyngulites swarmed it. Those that posted the poll and were even in it reacted just like the other poll that was Pharyngulated earlier this week.

1 comment:

Sig. said...

I'm teaching a class called "Visions of the Afterlife" in the fall. That should be interesting...