Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Giant #&$%up is Revealed!

Yes, in day two of testimony before the publicly elected leaders of our government, the leaders of huge private companies - and indeed the rest of the world - learned more about the platform explosion that will significantly* #&$% up our Gulf Coast.

This morning, I heard that yesterday, the executives played a little game. Transocean said that this was actually caused by the bad cement job done by Halliburton, and Haliburton puts this right back in the hands of the main company at hand, BP. BP, of course, goes back to Transocean, since it was their equipment.

Apparently, it was shoddy workmanship all around. Someone cut corners, several someones cut corners, and the world pays. The executives didn't have many mea culpas, which is really in their best interest, and they may be equally to blame, after all.

Today, Transocean said that if a certain battery was dead (which it was), their sensors would have told them, but [oops] they were lost in the wreck.

One of our publicly elected leaders responded with

"The American people expect you to have a response comparable to the Apollo project, not 'Project Runway,'" -- Washington Post article by Steven Mufson and David A. Fahrenthold

My take is that we reached the limit of our ability to drill for oil under the ocean. Setting the record ain't all its cracked up to be.

*Well, depending on which state governor you hear. Crist and Jindal are shitting their pants, but, the Mississippi state governor isn't worried at all.

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