Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Episodes of the Reality Resistant

Say, the best way to lower abortions is to increase access to contraception, and improve sex education? Studies prove this, and families that preach abstinence include pregnant teenage girls?

Why, slash sex-ed funding and make it really hard to access contraception, then make abortion illegal, that will SOLVE EVERYTHING!

What makes people this stupid? They have to get up, get dressed, and eat every morning - or maybe they don't.

Maybe they get up, get dressed, and have a cup of coffee for breakfast, thinking that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. Then they act like entitled asses all morning, and go out to lunch with their idiotic buddies to talk about a bunch of stupid crap in their lives.

Charities actually find your donations of canned goods to be annoying, and have for a very long time. They've only told you this recently because they finally overcame the human nature to "say something nice, or say nothing at all", but all the canned hominy and old spam that you gave actually went to waste.

But we've done the can drive for 40 years now, and it helps the kids to think of those that are less fortunate! I see no reason to stop now, besides, those charities will just waste the money anyway.

Does it even matter to these people that they are wrong? How on earth do they sleep at night? Do they even retain the knowledge that they are so ineffably stupid?

Sure, they come back from lunch with food in their bellies, but they're unaware that they missed a great presentation from a foreign policy institute on the impact of sanctions on Iran. Your average conservotard spends the rest of the day busing about like mad, unable to say no to anyone and ensure that there is enough time to finish the tasks at hand. When there is a lull, random research is done, and snide remarks are made about the biggest hurricane, ever, "slowing to a trickle".
I take minerals and vitamins to help my immune system, but the person that I live with got sick last week. While I'm not as sick as he was, I'm still pretty out of it. Slightly delusional, unable to concentrate well, and nervous about getting other people sick

Well, you were still able to write this blog post, you should be able to do your job.

Oh, for &%$*'s sake, thank goodness management isn't that stupid.

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