They have to know, right? They say "Don't believe the HYPE" before promoting their joke ticket. They have to see the writing on the wall. Don't they remember why they didn't like him 8 years ago? Don't they see what that the train they're riding doesn't have brakes and the bridge ahead is out?
How do they wake up every morning, brush their teeth, put on their clothes, drive to work, eat their lunch, make their decisions, come home to their kids, turn on the TV and still think that Obama is Arab and that this is a bad thing? Why do we have to hear the counterpoint to Colin Powell's words? Why can't we appreciate their weight and see the emptiness of an endorsement by Kissinger (he is still alive?) or the fact that no, most Americans (i.e. 97%, according to a friend) will never make more than $250,000 a year, no matter how long they live, and taxing the rest of us more so they can keep their money isn't worth it?
They have to know this stuff, right?
Please, America, please, Diebold, please, don't let me down.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Deep Down, They Must Know
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Note to Self
- Buying Sudafed, Affrin, and Saline Nasal Spray isn't enough, you need to use it, then you won't get this sinus pressure.
- But the only time I ever feel it is when I am near the Caldecott
- Didn't you feel it another time on Tuesday?
- Maybe, I thought that was on the BART approach to that tunnel
- You didn't take the BART through the tunnel, you parked at MacArthur that night
- Duh. Haven't the last few days been totally awesome?
- Totally, especially that little dose of weekend on Tuesday night
- That was so enjoyable, I really should move to the city
- Yeah, but you'll have to wait another 9 months until that lease is up
- Not to mention the moving and commute considerations
- No kidding
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Third Quarter Goal: Cut Some Weight Results
During the Second Quarter this year, I did "The Second Quarter Shape-Up", but I didn't lose much weight. I did gain a lot of muscle, however. In mid-June, along with my "New Urs" goals, I began my new quarterly fitness goal, which is named in the title. Along with nutrition and regular work-outs, I put a focus on cardio and trying new things. I don't know if the Fourth Quarter will have a fancy name yet, but the goal there is simply maintenance, with more climbing and running, and maybe some yoga.
I'm down at least one size and 25 pounds from December, 2007. My legs are very strong and I can do 28 sit-ups in one minute. At my assessment in April, I did 17 sit-ups in one minute. I do walking lunges routinely, whereas when I began, I could barely do them. I've also been to at least one yoga class, a climbing gym, done a lot of weight training, and learned some other cardio techniques. I am also starting to run. Stopping drinking in August probably had the biggest impact, with me losing about 5-10 pounds in the month that followed that decision. I'm slowly reclaiming the body I had in 2004, and with any luck, I can get down to the body I had for a month or so in 2005, then stay that way.